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Architectural Photographer in Los Angeles

for the design and communications communities.

Architectural Photography

Architectural photographer Ed Carreon photographs institutional, residential and commercial architecture for custom homebuilders, architects, interior designers, and developers; most forms of architectural photography. He also photographs structures for real estate developments, engineering firms, hospitality and industrial clients.

Ed’s interest in architecture comes from his early experience in Mexican colonial churches with their gothic ceilings and towering presence, around which radiated communities. Later it was his exploration of caves canyons and mountains that shaped his interested in human spaces; especially the interiors of institutional and working spaces and their relationship to light.

He sees architecture as landscape and the symbolic implications that accompany human beings living within that landscape. Indeed his own natural landscape and flora photography informs his approach to architectural photography. He pays attention to details, the big picture and how people fit into it. He sees the details that go into creating the landscape the architect has envisioned.

He is most interested in how natural light interacts with a space and uses lighting and post production to harmonize lighting values; not to override or replace the architect's vision. For Ed, the natural light is the light the architect has envisioned for your space. So if he is photographing a workspace, with lots of natural window light he will shoot and post produce the images so the images are faithful to the vision of the architect. Conversely, if he is photographing night club, he will stay faithful to the architect’s lighting design and use light to complement the architect’s vision.

He can solve unique problems of reflectance, perspective and those presented by the mixture of ambient and artificial light sources, work more efficiently and with lower costs than most other photographers of equal caliber. Call him to help you solve your architectural photography issues.

Whether you have a single story commercial building or a downtown skyscraper, he can photograph your exteriors and interiors.

Depending on the size and requirements of your project we can usually deliver within two to seven working days.